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We provide the highest level of care and accountability. Everything we do must be in your best interest.

Complete Transparency

No magic tricks or distractions. Everything we do is transparent. Forget "jargon". We use plain language to answer your questions.


We have been serving client needs for over 30 years which means we probably have experience in situations like yours.

Local & Available

We are your neighbors who happen to offer financial expertise, not a big business. When you need someone, we are here for you.

Different People. Unique Needs

There is no magic formula that works for everyone. We have the knowledge, experience, and tools to help you plan and achieve your goals.

Retire Confident

Retirement is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but we have helped people retire comfortably and confidently for over 30 years. We can help you too.

Get Comfortable

We provide a safe and relaxed environment where you can be comfortable with your money.

You are not your neighbor

There is no magic formula that works for everyone. We have the knowledge, experience and tools to help you plan and achieve your goals.

It is a journey,
not a destination

No matter what your stage of life and career, we can help you. As you change and grow, we adjust so your plan continues to fit your needs.

Wealth is not determined by money

Wealth is determined by love, happiness, and relationships. The number of dollars in your account does not make you more or less than anyone else.

The media provides exposure, not advice

In this age of information overload, there are an over-whelming number of financial opinions. We help you focus on your specific financial goals by using our experience and knowledge as a filter to cut through the constant noise and chatter.


It is our job to explain your money in simple and straight-forward terms, not to impress you with jargon and investment “speak”. You can never ask too many questions. 

Investing, not trading

It is not flashy, but the long term outlook has stood the test of time. We seek to capitalize on this trend through patience and discipline rather than guessing when to zig and when to zag.

Independence brings freedom

Our “product” is our guidance and advice, not specific investments. We are neutral and transparent when selecting the solutions necessary to implement your plan.

Putting it all together

All the parts of your life are connected. Getting to know you goes beyond your finances. We want to know your values, hopes, and dreams so your success is not purely financial. A life measured only in dollars can never be rich. 

It takes two to tango

We provide the know-how; you provide direction and guidance. 

  • Get Comfortable

We provide a safe and relaxed environment where you can be comfortable with your money.

ServicesContact Us

How to Choose A Financial Advisor

Your Pathway to Get Comfortable

Done with DIY Video Preview Image

Do you really need a financial advisor? In both the world of cars and investments, people tend to gravitate towards one of three roles: DIY Enthusiast, Delegator, or Hands Off. [read more]

How to Pick Video Preview Image

The search for the right financial advisor sometimes starts when we are facing a significant financial decision, leaving us scrambling to make a choice... [read more]

Perfect Match Video Preview Image

When it comes to significant investments of money, time, and energy, we all want the perfect fit. The same principal applies to choosing a financial advisor. [read more]

Our Approach

It's What Sets Us Apart

"Of course it's personal, it's your money."
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." -- Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519
"Let us make the future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow's reality" -- Malala Yousafzai

Understanding Risk

Everyone has a risk number - let's find yours

How much risk are you willing to take to achieve your financial goals? How much risk do you have in your current portfolio? We offer Nitrogen; a powerful risk analytics tool which can help you define your "Risk Number" and evaluate your portfolio to see if what you are doing matches your appetite for risk. Knowing your portfolio is properly risk aligned provides clarity and confidence in the process. A misaligned portfolio should be corrected as quickly as possible. We have made this tool available for you to do your own instant analysis. To get started, click the button below.

Find Your Risk Number

The Six Month 95% Probability Range is calculated from the standard deviation of the portfolio (via covariance matrix), and represents a hypothetical statistical probability, but there is no guarantee any investments would perform within the range. There is a 5% probability of greater losses. The underlying data is updated regularly, and the results may vary with each use and over time.

IMPORTANT: The projections or other information generated by Nitrogen regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results and are not guarantees of future results. These figures may exclude commissions, sales charges or fees which, if included would have had a negative effect on the annual returns. Investing is subject to risk and loss of principal. There is no assurance or certainty that any investment strategy will be successful in meeting its objectives.